Friday 10 October 2014

My Travels, Volume 1: Western Cordillera

Today I've started my road trip all across Canada. My first stop is the westernmost region of Canada the Western Cordillera. This was a perfect place to start off my traveling campaign as it is located at the westernmost part of Canada (British Columbia and Yukon). The Western Cordillera was a challenge to travel on as because of the lack of erosion that has happened in this area, large highlands have been sustained. Now because of that I found myself constantly driving up and down because of the surplus of diverse elevation. Though non the less this area was pleasant for the eye as their were various beautiful mountain ranges (i.e Coastal and Rockies). Large amounts of precipitation would normally have been expected (owing to the coastal climate of this region) but because our travels were during the summer time, we got saved and instead traveled in a moist and mild environment. The occurrence of seismic activity in a few mountains in the Northern region of the Cordillera led us to avoid the area as we had thought that would be a hazard. During our travels in the western cordillera we took a break to visit the big city of Vancouver, during our travels we visited Stanley Park, the beautiful scenery combined with adjacent aquarium was a great experience. We also visited the long (137 meter) Capilano Suspension Bridge. It offered a great view of the large forests that Greater Vancouver have to offer. Then we went off to Whistler, where we explored the rich summertime trails of the area and engaged in mountain biking. This leg of my Canadian Tour made for a promising start, now off to the Intermountain Region!

Totem Poles at Stanley Park

The Beauty of the Cordillera

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