Saturday 11 October 2014

My Travels, Volume 4: Canadian Shield

We now have reached the Canadian Shield, the largest region in Canada. This gigantic region encompasses parts of Ontario, Quebec, Nunavut, Newfoundland, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Manitoba, and Alberta. This large forest area is one of the worlds largest producers of mineral ore. However once you get to the North, tundra predominantly takes over. In this tundra you will be able to see caribou, moose , otters and various types of bears. The accommodation of tundra in to this region makes it a fairly cold region. It's summer weather stays in the high teens, though it comes with an average of 60 mm of precipitation. This area was formed by the collision of two tectonic plates, one of these plates were forced down and then would eventually rise up to create the a region with a large amount of rocks and minerals, the Canadian Shield. While we were at the Canadian Shield, we went camping by the lake of the woods (on the southwestern corner of Ontario).

The map of the Canadian Shield

A sample of the Canadian Shield's rocks.

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