Saturday 11 October 2014

My Travels, Volume 3: Interior Plains

We have now reached the third region we will be travelling to, the Interior Plains. This area encompasses the Western portion of the Northwest Territories, all of Alberta and southern Saskatchewan and southern Manitoba. This area contained vast farmlands that could always be seen during our travels. The warmth of this region was spectacular, as we had traveled more into the flat lands. Now travelling might seems all fun and games, but there is a danger while touring these regions. Those this is just a minor possibility, there are minor landslide dangers in southern Saskatchewan. This is because poorly consolidated bedrock that is in this region, so while driving through this area, always proceed with caution. Now a lighter side, this giant region has a host of fun activities. I'll first start with Calgary, while we were there we visited the legendary stampede. We of course went on all the fun rides, but we also got to learn in depth about cattle farming (a common economic activity in the interior plains, owing to the vast farmland). We then headed to the Prince Albert National Park, one of the rare places in the Interior Plains where you can see lots of trees (due to it being by a river valley. We engaged in a nice round of kayaking. Nearing the end of our travels through the plains, we took in a hockey games in Winnipeg. We saw the Jets lose to the Vancouver Canucks 3-0.  Now that we have concluded the Interior Plains, it's time to visit the large Canadian Shield.
The Calgary Stampede

Farmland in the Interior Plains

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